Monday, June 11, 2012

Evaluation Reminder

Just a friendly reminder of the grading scale. You will also be able to know how much everything is worth in this class. If you have any questions comment below or come see me  :)

Grading Scale…
A 100-90%…B 89-80%…C 79-70%…D 69-60%…F 59% and BELOW!

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Tilde diacrítica

Hay un grupo de monosílabas que tienen distintos significados cuando llevan acento:
La tilde diacrítica sirve para diferenciar palabras que se escriben de la misma forma pero tienen significados diferentes. Es decir, es la que permite distinguir palabras con idéntica forma, escritas con las mismas letras, pero que pertenecen a categorías gramaticales diferentes.

de = of   La casa de Juan.
dé = give     Ojalá que dé un concierto.
se = reflexive or impersonal   Se peina.
sé = I know   No sé nada.
el = the  Escucho el concierto. 
él = he   Él escucha el concierto. 
si = if     Quiere saber si vienes.
sí = yes   Estoy segura de que sí viene.

Diario Semanal

A.      El Objetivo:  El Diario es una oportunidad para practicar a expresar las opiniones, las cosas de la vida diaria, los deseos y los pensamientos en general.  Los temas de las entradas pueden variar: las clases, los amigos, el fin de semana, la familia, los pasatiempos, etc.  Espero que lo aproveches para mejorar la gramática y el vocabulario de la lengua española y que puedas difrutar de escribir un poquito también.  ¡Diviértete!

Reflective Question and Closing

Remember that everyday you must answer the reflective question that is related to the objectives for that day by writing it down in your packet.We will then go over it in class together everyday at the end every class.  At the end of the week I will collect your reflective questions for a grade. It is important that you answer these questions truthfully they will not only help you but they will also help me reflect and see what areas you are struggling with. 

¡Bienvenidos a la clase de español!

Hola Clase,
I hope you are having a great week and a fantastic beggining of the school year. I will be constantly be posting information to this blog. It will be a good resource for you  and your parents to know what is going on in the class. Here you will be able to find your daily objectives, vocabulary, homework assignments, study guides, classwork and other fun and useful resources in order for you to do the best you can in this class. 

It will especially help you to keep on top of all your assignments. I expect you to  constantly visit this blog. If you miss class a class it is your responsibility to make sure you turn the work you missed during an excused or unexcused absence. Everything will we go over in class will always be found online.I look forward to making this a fun and exciting class for all of you. As you can see the background of this blog consist of flags from Spanish speaking countries around the world. Remember Spanish is the third most commonly spoken language around the world. :)

Have a great weekend!